Ports’ Planet and People Plan

Ports of Jersey exists to serve our community and the economy that supports it. We have a responsibility to the environment, to our community, to our customers, to our partners and to our employees. We believe that the best way we can help build the future that Jersey deserves is by taking a leading role in developing a sustainable future for our Island and tackling the challenges this brings head on.

The Government of Jersey’s Carbon Neutral Roadmap outlines the Island’s ambition to reach net zero by 2050, which we fully support.

For anyone in the travel industry, a conversation about climate change is never going to be an easy one. The aircraft and boats that provide us with critical connectivity are also greenhouse gas polluters. To decarbonise travel, all parts of the supply chain will need to coordinate to enable meaningful actions. This will include manufacturers, fuel suppliers, airlines, ferry operators, airports, harbours, governments and others.

All elements of the supply chain will need to take responsibility for the actions they take that contribute to emissions. For us, that means ensuring the facilities we provide operate sustainably, offering opportunities for our customers and enabling our business partners to contribute to the Island’s net zero ambition.

Our sustainability strategy, Ports’ Planet and People Plan, has been an employee-led initiative. They are the experts on our organisation and have proved this with their knowledge, insights, and sheer enthusiasm for what they’ve created. From decarbonisation to staff wellbeing, our strategy is a cross discipline framework that considers all elements of sustainability creating a holistic and joined up approach.

We look forward to working with other like-minded organisations and taking lots of small steps today that will add up to make all the difference tomorrow.

Watch this video in which our colleagues talk about our plans and what we’ve already done to tackle climate change.